Missionary Prayer Band

Missionary Prayer Band

"Brethren, pray for us." These words of the Apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:25 provide the basis for one the more vital ministries at Mount View. The focus of the Missionary Prayer Band is to offer up prayers on behalf of the missionaries supported by the church. Once each month, this faithful band of believers gathers together to share the blessings and burdens of the missionaries they have been assigned to pray for throughout that month. Additionally, these prayer warriors contact their missionaries via email in order to keep abreast of any special blessings or needs. In this way, our missionaries can relay news from the field directly to the church family.


There is power in prayer! For this reason, we believe the Missionary Prayer Band to be a high impact ministry. This dedicated band is always looking for new members to join with them in praying for our missionaries.

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